Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Last day of tuition...
Today is finally the last day of tuition with Sharon.
Her school work had improved so much-within two months of my hard work! Stopping now would be like giving up a chance to groom someone, so to say.
She even gave me a hug before I sweet:)
Will miss her wish her all the best:)
Something super peiseh happened when Michelle and I walked to tuition.
I didn't know I shouted so loud and that he was so near.
It was an uncontrollable reflex!
Hope he really didn't see me...cross my fingers.
Xx, you've wavered me yet again!
Now I am questioning myself whether I have been following my passion by choosing Econs.
It is a extremely relevant area of study unarguably but until now...
It had been more of a stressor and burden then something that stir my interest.
Ya, stress drown all interest probably.
But oh well, what's done are probably fixed by now.
Stopping the tuition means stopping our weekly meetings.
Will miss all the crap that we share that makes me laugh till stomach ache, every time!
Thx a ton for the farewell dessert and popiah supper-if you see this:)
Just started watching 命中注定我愛你 on youtube yesterday.
It's a damn funny!
Will continue to catch it:)
★ xiaoyu; posted at 2:58 AM ★
Monday, July 28, 2008
Someone complains about my blogging style and so I decide to change:)
I'm home tutoring 6 primary school students currently but school is starting at 11/8.
I'm so worry that I won't be able to cope and thus hard
heartedly stopped tutoring the primary one girl girl-my first student.
Tomorrow will be her last tuition. But I really can't bear to stop especially after I can see improvement in her Maths and
English through my hard work for two months!
Her attitude and interest towards learning has also become better.
I'm also confident of improving her further.
But teaching her is sometimes too tiring especially when she decides to throw tantrum and coaxing her requires great patience and effort which I can't afford much when school starts.
So, I got to be hard-hearted for once.
But there are still 5 students!
I'll probably see what I can do when school starts...
Next! Xx mentioned about joining
Acapella and I was like, 'Yes!'.
I had wanted to join last year but nobody was interested to accompany me or to urge me on.
But now came Xx with her
enthusiasm-which is just what I need:)
Thanks a ton girl!
Let's go to the tea session together to find out more!
$$$ is such a frustrating thing! I need to save for insurance, facial treatments and school overseas trip.
So I may continue with the rest of the tuition
after all.
Anyway their final exams end at late October.
This mean I just need to slog for 2 more months.
So hang on girl! Go go go!
★ xiaoyu; posted at 8:53 PM ★
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Dark Knight (2008)
Just watched this show yesterday at PS with the Econ camp
OG group. Each of us had turned down several invitations just to watch this movie together:)
Indeed, the movie was truly great as advertised. It is a swirl of intense action and wild emotions as Joker disrupt the almost peaceful and 'boring' life of Gotham's citizens into an unspeakable frenzy. Joker, through his psychotic and fearless killings had proved his point that ordinary citizens goes about their daily lives smoothly according and owing to plan and when insecurity and unpredictability engulfs rampantly, then everyone will sink into the deep oasis of chaos and self-destruction. Joker had turned back the time machine from eons of human progress-with the production of civilised, well-mannered beings whom we are proud of, into primitive, savaged murderers-who try to kill each other in order for self-survival, by bringing out our 'survival of the fittest' instinct simply through 'fear'. Is this a true depiction of all city dwellers? If this is true, then 'fear' will be the greatest weapon ever for terrorists to win against us innocent, peace-loving citizens at the end of the day.This is indeed an interesting psychological condition worthy of investigation:)
In fact, a parallel can be drawn from this movie with the acts of terrorism. Isn't Joker similar to our real-life suicide bombers whose desire to destruct the world overwhelms the value of their own lives? Both are blatant extremists whose love for mankind dim into oblivion.
Lastly, the most touching part is when Joker tries to proves that humans' nature is ugly like his when he plants numerous bombs in both ships-one containing innocent civilians and the other a whole gang of prisoners, and gives each ship the bomb starter of the other ship. The catch is this:If someone from one of the ship first press the bomb starter, then the other ship will blow up and the remaining ship will survive. However, if both ship refuses to press the starter within stipulated time, then both ship will blow up together when the time is up. Isn't this exactly like the economics's prisoners' dilemma model? Throughout the gruelling 10
mins scene, I almost thought that humans' ugliest side will definitely rear it's head at the face of death-a rather pessimistic thought. Eventually, both side wanted to live but would never take others' lives just so that they can preserve theirs. One of the prisoners even threw the starter into the sea so as to spare the excruciating pain of weighting ones' life against others'. I asked myself, "will I be as brave, courageous and noble just before the death knell finally sounds?"
Five stars for this movie and kudos to the whole cast:)

Labels: the dark knight
★ xiaoyu; posted at 7:18 PM ★
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Food Craze...
I had been binging non-stop for the past few days-like an escaped POW! After looking in the mirror, I realised my double chin is getting more obvious. I had been eating for every minutes which amounts up to more than 8 meals a day until I had become so bloated that I cannot stand straight! Worse still, I haven't been jogging at all! This got to stop and from tomorrow onwards I shall never simply eat anything to my fancy! I really am not sure what had got into me-maybe stress? Furthermore, since
yesterday I've been feeling lethargic, faintness and feverish. Finally, I gave up and went to see the doctor-the $$ factor can no longer held me back. It turned out that my temperature was 36.9-perfectly normal! This trip
cost me $30++-health cost really draws the life out of ordinary
Innocent citizens! But still I just took the
prescribed panadol and felt better and finally have the energy to blog:)
Lastly, who is so kind enough to teach me
Pls pls...;)
★ xiaoyu; posted at 12:28 AM ★
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back from Econs Camp!
I was almost like tricked into being an
OGL because Marilyn had been telling me that an
OGL is a simple job-which I believe since she said it with ultimate confident
lol! It turned out that it's almost like an exclusive job for seasoned
OGL with endless cheers and camp games-which I know none of since I am an infamous camp-skipper if you know me. But luckily, our group-Hi-5 group, had the blessing of two camp experts who help us come up with all the cheers and games. Saddest part is, Marilyn fell sick on the first day of camp with a super coarse throat and hence spoke close to nothing and had to leave on the second day afternoon and practically left me with double the responsibilities! Actually, I don't mind the extra work but just hope that she will be there to at least give me moral support and someone to lean back on but oh well...Nevertheless, I had great fun at the camp due to the great people in Hi-5 group-though I definitely feel guilty of not being a good
OGL. So, it turned out that camp was supposed to be so fun and memorable and not something to be dreaded of like how I always used to. I'll always be open to any camp from now on after overcoming this stupid camp phobia. I learned a lot of things as well, 1.learned to be responsible and never gave up till the last minute. 2.
appreciate the hard work of people who tried to put things together and not to complain at the slightly
discrepancies. 3.Dare to speak up! 4.Have to be more street-smart from now!

Yes, we went to Missy Muffin! The secret recipe from the top chefs are really nothing to be shown off. I tried panda, hazelnut and
milo flavour, but it all tasted bland, oily and stiff! I am so disappointed! Is it because it's almost the end of the day already which is why the muffins turned bad or is the standard never up there in the first place?

Yes, this is our Hi-5 group:) The second day is almost like a food hunt!
Lol, we travel all the way from
Tiong Bahru to Chinatown to Raffles and
Cityhall to taste different food cum
photohunt! In this photo, we are just opposite 天津楼 at Chinatown and just tasted their carrot cake which tasted fabulous at $2++ only:)
Lol...we are all acting

This is outside the Parliamentary House!

We are supposed to request 3 groups of strangers to pose with our group and after the first group photo, this Indian-he said he's from India, came up to us and said that he wanted to take a photo with all of us!
Wao...isn't he the coolest?

This is the third day at
vivocity, just before we go

Our hands are all stamped with the word '
Ludge'. The
Ludge ride at
Sentosa is rather fun but too bad I haven't took any photos but you guys know what it is right:)

This is Valerie-the coolest girl in our group with a black belt in
Taekwondo, who taught us girls some self defence moves...
The camp was fun and I really know many fun people as well:) Lastly, I realise I like playing frisbee;)
★ xiaoyu; posted at 1:44 PM ★
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Strangers (2008)

A typical thriller which employ lots of
suspense technique. The story is about how a couple unluckily met up with three masked strangers who decide to scare the wits out of them before finishing them off. The story is said to be based on a true story which I sincerely believe after watching a documentary on
psychopathic killers whom derives thrill and satisfaction from torturing their victims before silencing them. Like
yx said, it is really a good movie for some shouting to vent off your frustration and forget about your burden for the time being. The story line is pretty simplistic and the characters lacks
characterisation but its no doubt a thriller true to its name:) Go ahead and watch it to have a thrill ride:)

Labels: the strangers
★ xiaoyu; posted at 1:49 AM ★
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tuition Marathon!
I'm going for the Econ camp from this Friday till Sunday and I'm going to be one of the two OGL for Grp 5. This is pretty scary for me since both me and Marilyn - the other OGL, are not naturally 'high' people but we are supposed to be hyper and lead the group of 9 through cheers and unending bonding activities and games. Can I really do this? Considering that I'm usually a follower and it's a feat never done before by me.
Anyway, because of this camp, I've got to reschedule all my tuition appointments within yesterday and today. Yesterday was like a tuition marathon. The first tuition start at 10 am at Sembawang but i was late by almost an hour due both to camp's stuff and laziness and so was for the tuition for the rest of the day since everything is tightly packed. My late habit is definitely a top priority on my 'change list' as it really is creeping on my guilty conscience. Next, I rushed to Jurong East for yet another 2 hrs tuition but luckily the two kids were great forgiver for my lateness. So, I promise to myself that I won't be late for anything in the world for their tuition today. The last tuition ended at 10.30 pm! Yesterday really send straight to lala land the moment my head touched the pillow and gone was my insomnia at least for a day. Yesterday was no mean feat considering I even gave half an hour of free tuition to help my student finish up her homework. But this seems to be getting on my nerves as I've been giving for more than 5 hrs of free tuition within a month to the same family of three students and they even want to be ‘斤斤计较’with me yesterday for 5 mins! This is what I call ‘好人没好报’but nevertheless, I simply got over it within an hour.
That's all for now while I need to rush for more tuition today. Hopefully everything goes well and I won't be as exhausted as yesterday since today only have got 2 tuition.
Kudos for myself for yesterday:)
★ xiaoyu; posted at 11:24 AM ★
Sunday, July 6, 2008
HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO JOAN! ;)Today was supposed to be a simple celebration @
Xin Wang
HK cafe just beside Marina Square but it turned out as an almost heart warming
YJC class gathering! With almost a twist of fate, we even met some other unexpected people like
WenJia - glamorous
Newpaper Newface finalist 2008 &
Janson with his
gf-who definitely look as ordinary as a roadside flower despite Alex's opposing view. Is this
pre-mediated or simply a mere coincidence? It really seems like the whole world really like to hang out at city hall area during weekends.

The food at
Xin Wang is really over-priced for simple
Hong Kong food fare. However, the wide variety of light dishes there served neatly on a big bowl or plate really looks palatable and satisfying. Furthermore, the ambiance - with pleasant yellow lighting and comfortable upholstery, is really an ideal place for chilling out with friends;) I tried this
Mee Fen with papaya soup ($7++) and the soup tasted sweet and slightly milky-just the way I like it! The Yuan Yang Milk Tea is sweet and slightly bitter due to the coffee but overall is a nice blend between tea and coffee.

And the poor
Liling ordered this Spicy Minced Meat Noodle which simply looked like a pool of vomit trash-definitely dulls your appetite immediately! Next, the Bo
Luo Bao tasted like some ordinary bread with a thin pathetic yellowish crust even though it looked almost like a delicacy at first sight-with a generous piece of butter and a ring of pineapple slided in between the bread.

Finally, Ll and
Xj 'went to toilet' to make cake for a super long time and really came back with a brownie walnut cake from Secret Recipe. I ate almost a whole two piece-sinful sinful...
lol:)Finally, we went to a famous
beancurd store which is located along some dingy alley deep inside city hall and somewhere near
dhoby ghaut. Surprisingly, the queue was quite long and the tables and chairs are filled up all the way to the back lane of the stall at around 10 plus at night! Indeed the
beancurd tasted soft and almost '' and this makes Mr Bean's
beancurd feels so ordinary. But I probably would not go back there again as I'm not a food fanatic who's willing to spend lots of time hunting down food.
Next, we went Mind's Cafe but too bad I've got to leave earlier to rush to meet
yx aka clement aka
wy n
fw for another supper and I'm already
onr hour late by now. Sorry guys for waiting so long...
sry sry! The Malay food just beside old
Sembawang Shopping Center is really great though I only tasted a little but I promise to try the whole plate the next time to take in the whole aroma. Lastly, I'm pretty fond of the christian name Rachael, what you guys thing if I name myself Rachael-The name Rachael is a baby girl name. The baby name Rachael originated as an Israeli name. In Israeli the name Rachael means- innocent lamb?
Overall, yesterday is a
nostalgic experience-having to see so many ex-classmates. But it's also a somber reminder of something lacking in my life which somehow seems to be change resistant.
★ xiaoyu; posted at 6:12 PM ★
Personality Test.
I found this
personality test on my friend's blog and decide to try it out. The results seems to be at most 80% accurate and somehow sketchy which seems that it can be applied to almost anyone.
The result:
Your view on yourself:You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on
education: You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
★ xiaoyu; posted at 4:03 AM ★