My Wish : Appreciate the wonder of possibilities of life. Change! Hoping to indulge in world's special moments and places one day. Travel around the world with friends and loved ones. Be emotional inspired. Experience the deepest emotionals. Optimism!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What am I up to day in day out for the past 2 weeks and for the
forseeable weeks ahead?
1.Printing mountains of notes!
cors for not giving me the damn module I want.
3.Flying from lectures to tutorials to
tuitions (all my students are having exams and doing last min struggle)...!
4.Perking myself up with coffee so I don't lay dead during lectures. Some lectures are simply so 'yawn'...
5.Trying to catch up on the textbooks chapters that I'm suppose to read before lectures (which is still a luxury for me to do)
I'm so busy until I didn't even have time to bite my nails and had only realise yesterday that it has grew so long. I'm so busy rushing out of the house that I don't even have time to put on my colored contacts and it's expiring soon! I'm so busy that I don't even have time to blog anymore...
★ xiaoyu; posted at 12:59 PM ★
Monday, August 11, 2008
School Starts!
Have been so moody and suffered insomnia yesterday due to some invisible stress. But later realise it's probably due to school starting today. Had been enjoying holiday for 3 months now so you can almost imagine my great inertia from stepping back to school.
I rush for tuition at 9am at
Jurong and then rush back to school for lecture from 12-2pm. Finally rush to another lecture from 2-4pm. I could almost imagine me dying yesterday. But it turned out fine except from sweating like a dog under Singapore's 'fine' weather.
During the rushing to and fro, I missed lunch and felt energy draining like open tap. The moment I drag myself back home, I bathed and filled myself with high-energy aka fattening food like banana chips-lots of it, and 6 big chips ahoy and 1 big pork bun and two tuna egg ham sand which and coffee and some leftover junk! I practically cleared my fridge. Oh no! Will I get stomachache? Will I become even fatter?
Nah, hell to weight! There's so much more that matters more than weight issues. Life is so unpredictable and it's always too early to tell what may happen next. Obsession with weight is the stupidest thing that one can do. Please at least read the Times magazine and realise that innocent civilians in the war infested Iraq and Afghanistan can't even afford bread for their meals due to rising cost of flour! Food is suppose to be a source of energy for humans to accomplish meaningful things and not a source of frustration and an excuse for self-pity. I'm guilty of this once but not the second time. My words may sound too serious and harsh but it's really just a neutral statement of realisation. My identity is definitely not defined by weight but by greater things yet to be uncovered:) Hope similar people out there will find their real selves soon too:)
★ xiaoyu; posted at 7:50 PM ★
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Welcome back to Singapore Shirley :) ~ Xin Wang Cafe @ City Hall
This is the wooden bucket beancurd that Michelle strongly recommends. The beancurd tastes like the typical Mr Bean's except that it uses brown sugar for the syrup which is not too sweet but tasty:)
This is the big bowl of papaya milk mee hoon that I recommend:) It tastes just as nice and sweet as before. The yellow lighting is so good that I seems pimple-free...hoho

This is the must try toast! The sponge-size bread fry with crispy egg outer layer and soaked in honey and butter is simply yummy!

This is the triple flavour-red bean, mango and strawberry grand ice kacang. It's like thrice the size of ice kacang you get from the coffeeshop:) Michelle complains that it's too sweet but I find it just nice since desserts are meant to be sweet isn't it?

I am the culprit who dug the big hole in the ice kacang...wahahaha! But anyway, Michelle, you look cute in this picture:)

Michelle! Thanks for this half a dozen of "zhu long" from Bugis Street! It's really nice but I sincerely can't see clearly the features of the pig...hoho!
★ xiaoyu; posted at 1:55 PM ★
Monday, August 4, 2008
Shopping with XX:)
Went shopping with XX yesterday at Bugis Street and Bugis Junction. Spent over $100 but all are strictly essentials for school and no senseless spree involve at all:) So proud of my own determination:)
Gotten some cheap yet comfy tees at Bugis Street-4 for $38! The shorts cost $28. Though it looked simple but that's the appeal-simple is beautiful. Furthermore, for school wear comfy is all that matters.
I seems to have this auntie syndrome where I derives more thrill from getting cheap stuffs than affording branded stuffs...hoho. But if comfortable factor is compromised to much then even free stuffs are trash. I not born with a silver spoon in my mouth and working within budget had been drilled into me since young. Plus, going from houses to houses giving home tuition under the deadly Singapore Sun is no play play!
Lastly, I'm definitely an efficient shopper. I can just walk into a shop and grape all my stuffs there-somewhat. I don't do much shop hopping for like a bag...hoho. Considering too much factors over something like a bag or shoe is simply a waste of brain cells. I almost always follow this principle even for more expensive stuff like my Song Vaio C laptop...that's me:)
I have also gotten this super cute tote bag at fie japan-@ Bugis Junction level 1. Can you see the zip compartment on the right? That's such a brilliant design! I I can put either my ez-link or mp3 there instead of keep digging for it inside the bag. A simple design goes a long way in contributing to convenience! Kudos to it's designer:) Though I had just gotten a hand bag just less than a month ago but the handle is already failing under stress. $35 bag does not really live up to its worth! Hoping this $22 tote bag can withstand the pressure of my daily essentials-a water bottle, umbrella, over-size pencil case, thick book organiser and other mambo jumbo.
This is my first ever lipstick-Silkygirl Moisture Rich lipstick (baby pink) $10.90. I tried it an it looked just right-a slight pinkish touch on the lips. But I'm too shy to put the photo of my lips on the blog...hoho.That's all for yesterday but I still need a nice sweater to save myself from the chilling lecture theaters. My next semester have two days with consecutive 4 hrs lectures for two days! Imagine how much a cosy sweater can save me from becoming Rudoh the red nose reindeer!So long!
★ xiaoyu; posted at 10:45 AM ★
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The beauty of Instant Food!
I'm so tire of junk food, takeouts or my mum's cooking - due to 20 yrs of non-wavering consistency (oops) for my mealsss!
So I decided to cook something by myself for myself but the ignorant me knows no cooking skills and so I decided to reap the convenience of modern day living - to go instant!
I had tried making pasta with ready made tomato sauce-Prego's 100% Natural Italian Sauce(Roasted Garlic and Parmesan). Just 20 mins and a hot serving of delicious pasta stands proudly in front of you. Even going down to the nearest coffeshop from my home takes more than 20 mins! I know I may sound silly, but even a simple home-made meal feels terribly satisfying and healthy as a bonus-since you can control the oil that goes into your food:) Ya, there's some washing to do afterwards but pasta sauce is oiless, probably close, so washing is a breeze. I tried cooking 3 times in total and twice for my family. But my ever busy family never really settle down to appreciate my cooking, except for once when i had a sudden urge to have supper at 11pm plus when they happen to be watching tv.
I tried making sandwiches just the day before too! I bought the Ayam brand pepper tuna which tastes oooh sooo gooood! My simple yet healthy and most importantly, low calories sandwich includes tuna, cheese and cabbages:) I am going to try other combination of ingredients soon! Just 15 mins to make yum yum sandwiches, isn't it cool?
Today for lunch, I tried First Choice Japanese Cold Udon with wasabi! It just take 10 mins from boiling the water to serving - the beauty of instant noodle awww...The last instruction for cooking says that you must rinse the Udon in cold water before serving. And I tell you, this simple step really makes a hell lot of difference! After cooking, the Udon tasted starchy and soggy much to my disappointment. But after rinsing, it became rather Q! At $1 plus a pack is really a steal imagining the cheapest Cold Udon that I can find at 'Summo' restaurant cost $3 plus (if I remember correctly). It tastes pretty good if you are not craving for strong flavours.

Japanese Cold Udon package with missing contend...hoho:)
★ xiaoyu; posted at 2:55 AM ★