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XiaoYu :)


I'm gonna be


10/04/1988, aries

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beautified & edited : ying xin
original : kynz
CODES : kynzgerl
IMAGES : Twilight images


My Wish : Appreciate the wonder of possibilities of life. Change! Hoping to indulge in world's special moments and places one day. Travel around the world with friends and loved ones. Be emotional inspired. Experience the deepest emotionals. Optimism!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Herbal Essence...U used it?

Have been using Herbal Essence for 2 weeks now. The conditioner I used for 2 weeks and the shampoo on the left, for 2 days. I tell you why later...

The new packaging is really attractive. The shampoo I used is called the 'hello hydration' and the conditional I used is called 'dangerously straight'. Sounds so cute right? The hot pink and the blue color is so so nice too. Adds color to my bathroom.

The shampoo have coconut in it. And it like totally means what it says lor. The shampoo is like a thick, creamy and slightly blue cream which sends off a rather strong coconut smell.

This totally reminded me of the maid I once had who always hide in the room to apply coconut oil on her whole hair! Her hair is long until her thigh ok! I remember always hiding from her hair smell lor...so pungent.

So I dunnoe is my problem or wad la, the shampoo is like used for twice den left aside le. Plus a terrible thing happened la!!!

The second time after I used it, I blow dry my hair and I looked into the mirror. My hair is like standing diagonally la! It feels so dry as if it's breaking le. So it's more like 'bye hydration' to me lor. Bad bad...

But luckily, the conditioner smells great. I dunnoe is it cos of the honey suckle in it cos I didn't smell honey suckle before la. But my hair is nowhere near straight because of it. But ok, my hair smells nice if you think that's good enough....lol. The conditioner is like creamy pink in color...so cute...lol.

Both are more ex. than other brands like Sunsilk you know! Where's the justification for high price?

Last question, why is it called herbal essence when there's no herbs in it. It's like the ultimate confusion for me la...lol!

Last comment, I tried older version of Herbal Essence a few years ago. You remember the transparent packaging? It really does dry out my hair also. Where's the improvement man?

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★ xiaoyu; posted at 1:20 PM ★

New something on me. No?

Can you spot any difference in me?
No? See again.

There's supposed to be something different.
Can see can see?
Ya, I got a new hair cut!

But really only god can see the difference la!. Ytd I happily happily went to IMM Jean Yip to cut my hair cos mama say got discount ma. Then the counter people asked if I'm first time there, I said "er...ya" then I go in cut cut cut then come out.

Then the funny thing is the same counter people who are now collecting my $$ are staring at me la. They must be trying to see what's the diff between the b4 & after me la. My sixth sense tells me that their verdict is "No diff" la. But they still collect mt $$...sob.

Furthermore is not a good hair cut experience la. Keep cutting & scratching my face at the same time! He even scratched my pimple, damn painful. Whao lao la!

19 bucks, super easy $$ for them la but is a small bomb for me lei. Like I need to tuition for 1.5 hrs to get back this amount. $$...come back to mommy mommy...lol.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 12:34 PM ★

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Formal me.

Saw me saw me? I never look so formal before that xx & Marilyn say can't recognise me instantly le.

This is for the marketing presentation last friday. Our presentation is on VS's Pink line & so we called ourselves the Pinkies.

This grp is so fun. Like a whole lot of different personalities. Not forgetting Eric our insurance agent...lol. Not like those in arts who are like so "proper and polite"! Which more or less gives me the goosepimples sometimes. Hence I almost like auto mute myself while with them.

My voice is like half gone that day. So suay. Really don't be like me, when sick must admit and go c doc instead of trying to tough it out ownself. It don't always works lor.

Business modules rocks! Looking forward to more next sem:)

My hair like so bushy in the pic right? So ugly right? Gonna trim it tml:)

★ xiaoyu; posted at 8:46 PM ★

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well again!


Feeling so much better today.

Realise had been taking the wrong panadol.

I should take panadol for flu instead of for fever.

Thank god my father realise this or I'll still be floating around.

Ytd hor while tuitioning, I finally come to terms with the kids mischievous behaviour.
They are like kids afterall, primary five only! Their intolerable annoyance is now fast becoming their cute trait. They just want to play around, have some fun and get your attention. You just have to shower them with some love and show that you care then they will love you back (not sure if they do love me back...lol). For example, all my students will always show me scar and bruises on their bodies and complain about having discomfort from like hair tip to toe nails (toe nails are further away from body than toes). All six of my students are basically complain kings and queens. Just show them some concern like asking, "Is it better now?" then they will be happy le. They are just a bunch of cute kids afterall:) They are kids who will sing and dance for you, tell jokes to entertain you (or themselves, I dunnoe), tell you "wonderful stories" about their siblings and want to know about you (they always ask me do I have a bf and always dun believe when I say dunhv...so why still ask? lol!). See, isn't they fun and adorable? Yes but they did all these in the midst of tuition. But if they don't do these, they'll like fall asleep instead...lol.

These two weeks are their exams so I totally can't let them dance anymore. But I'm like always so soft and give in to their whims easily everytime. So, they totally force the fiercer side out of me! I'm never know I can be fierce to anyone...lol. But I know that they know that it's only for their own good and that I'll be like back to normal after exams. So it's pretty ok. But I realise another thing. Being fierce is actually fun and a good training. It's hard to hide your laughter when you have to act fierce if not all your effort at acting will just go down the drain!...lol. Cya.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 9:40 AM ★

Monday, October 20, 2008

Running a fever...:(

Me running a fever today...

Ate 4 panadol extra le...

Am feeling better but still a little weak...

Isit because I only ate fish porridge and 2 bottle of Pokka Tea today?

Darns...I almost never tell anyone I'm sick today...

Have been like taking care of myself the whole day...


★ xiaoyu; posted at 10:21 PM ★

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pungai Astronomy trip ~ 29/8-1/9

This is like a super out-dated post but nevertheless definitely memorable and deserves a space on my blog:)

(Photos not in chronological order mind u...lol)

Me above above & xx above went for this trip as a one shot fulfillment of the module requirement.
We were like so damn excited abt the trip cos it's like the first time we went for star glazing! It still sounds pretty cool even when I think of it now.

We arrived at 2 am something & the sky was so clear and amazing. The dark sky is dotted with hundreds of stars!

It almost feels like I'm lost in wonderment ( not sure if got this word?) as I glaze at the sky.
The picture above absolutely captures zero degree of the glamour. (Due to poor focus, not resolution. I'll prove it later.)

Me and xx by the beach. If you think it looks breezy, I tell you not!
The weather was like a heating up oven!
So why the hell I'm wearing a sweater? Nuts!

The food we get is simple traditional malay food prepared at the resort canteen.
The spicy fish soup above is like sweet and not spicy and duper nice.
If even xx can drink the soup, no one should logically think that it's in the least spicy. Opps:)

Do I look happy? XX forced this pic on me!

This trip was actually meant for Nus High school students' astronomy excursion.
Our lecturer didn't made it clear to us in the first place and we were like the only 2 Nus students stupidly tailing along.
We felt so out of place sometimes.
Like during the morning lesson time (shown above), we totally don't understand the lectures. Are they actually talking alien language?
What is " stellar remnants bla bla da da do do"?

The full glory of our future Elites (aka future source of elitism problem).
The guy standing is their professor.

Xx's Twisties fervor! There's simply nth I can do to stop it!
She eats and eats non-stop with increasing speed! Opps again.
Ok I admit I can't stop too. It's not my fault! The barbecue flavour Twisties is soooo nice.

This telescope is like the fanciest object at the trip.
We sneak to take a pic with it while everyone is busy eating breakfast. (I looked block by it due to Xx's bad angel shot.)

The telescope simply looked cool beyond words.
But don't expect to see the surface of Jupiter with it.
I can actually only see a speck of lights when I looked into it at stars.

Due to boredom, we decide to venture to a nearby town.
I really literally meant venture as in venture into the unknown.
We totally dunnoe the distance from Pungai to the nearest town, what kind of town, even the exact route.
Halfway through, we were like lost!
Then came the Pungai's resort boss in his car.
He said that we will never reach there by foot and offered us a ride.
The ride is like 30 mins!!!
Means walking like 3 hrs!!!
Before we alight, he gave us his no. and warn us not to accept any person's offer to give us a ride back. What does he meant! Ok, my alert signal is on now!

It turned out to be a small chinese town. we saw Marybrown.
My first time ever eating at Marybrown.
They got this cool seats that is like a swing. We can't resist the temptation to play on it. Why don't Singapore have this?
We ordered some chicken porridge (highly recommended by Xx). Nice! The place is quite vacant though. Is it cos it's almost 7 pm?
But the staff there were so friendly, Xx used hand language to ask them to help us take the photo above. Bravo to Xx!

It turned out that they are celebrating Malaysia's National's Day eve.
They got this small stage setup.
If you look carefully at the picture, it feels so much like the kind of stage in Singapore 12 years ago lei. The boy on the stage is reciting a poem praising Malaysia.
It's so old school right? i shall comment no more on such "sensitive" issues....haha.
We almost cannot get back to the resort! The taxi service is like half day due to celebrations.
And their taxi service is a like part time service lor!
U can only get a taxi if the taxi driver happens to be happy happy and decide to work!
Luckily we met some nice girls (quite pretty somemore) who helped us get a taxi and drive us back.
Buy she charged us double the usual charge! But who cares! It's like 9 pm and raining outside in a god knows where town!
And there's this guy who's been eyeing us after I stupidly asked him where should we wait for taxi. he's like so creepy and "helpful" lor.
He almost wanted to gave us a ride!
We finally got back safely! God bless!

One of the tour coordinator forced this pic on us.
The two behind us are the Nus High prof. Gosh, is the guy in blue looking at us?
His like such a Nus High patriot.
He never stops mentioning about the school's excellent curriculum to anyone that show a little interest about the curriculum. both of us are his first target.
So we run! N he got another target.
But his a good teacher I can tell.

Time to say bye bye. The Mcshit guy in green is the tour coordinator. lols...he damn funny and lame buy kinda fun.

Overall, this trip is really an eye-opener.
I really learn about so many constellations on the sky.
They used a super strong laser that can reach the sky to show us the constellation literally by outlining the stars on the sky using the laser!

Before ending.
This is the photo of Jupiter taken by Michael using an ordinary digital camera during the trip. He says that once the focus is right, with enough exposure, you can take the photo of any stars or planets.
How I wish I knew this earlier. How cool isn't it?


★ xiaoyu; posted at 10:35 AM ★

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dream camera! So Pink!

Isn't this the cutest camera ever?
Canon is finally realising the potential of the women's market.
I'm gonna get my hands on this as soon as I've saved enough!
Simply can't wait! :)
This is the kind of pictures I'll take on my new camera as soon as I can afford it!
Don't say that it's impossible as I believe that nothing is impossible! :)
If xx you are reading this post, I just wanna tell you that there's no GPRS thingy in my phone. I actually see you while on the bus and so alight and decide to give you a shock. Don't kill me!

★ xiaoyu; posted at 9:31 PM ★

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2 months since I blog.

Mood: Moody and tire

I wish I had a twin. Someone to help me watch some of my mounting webcast. Clear some of my tutorials which are lagging like forever. Someone to revise my lectures for me. Six more weeks till finals but nothing seems right until now.

If only there's some beverage that's ten times stronger than Redbull - It gives you wingsss.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 10:16 PM ★