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XiaoYu :)


I'm gonna be


10/04/1988, aries

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beautified & edited : ying xin
original : kynz
CODES : kynzgerl
IMAGES : Twilight images


My Wish : Appreciate the wonder of possibilities of life. Change! Hoping to indulge in world's special moments and places one day. Travel around the world with friends and loved ones. Be emotional inspired. Experience the deepest emotionals. Optimism!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Marley and Me

Watched Marley and Me on my laptop over a hot cup of tea just now.
It's really a heart warming and funny movie.

Realised from the movie that it's touching to grow old with another person but it's just as touching to grow old together with your dog.

Realised also that it doesn't really matter whether your dog is the most obedient, the best or the prettiest of all. But all that matters is that he is your dog, your loyal companion, your best friend for life which you gave your love to each other.

My 2 favourite scene is when Marley is running freely along the beach and another scene will be when Marley sits with his owner on the never ending grassland looking out into the distance. These 2 scenes are so beautiful.

One day I want to have such a dog too. Even though I don't think it'll be anytime soon but it'll be as soon as I can afford the space and money:)

★ xiaoyu; posted at 6:45 PM ★

Saturday, March 28, 2009

FUNNY! boys dancing for the wonder girls song 'nobody'

This video damn funny. Nice song also. This guy is such a great dancer and so comical la. But imagine is a hottie dancing then will be even nicer la...haha. The final three guys really look like triplets lei...isit cos the clip too blur?

This is the real hottie version. Look at all those drooling men la...

★ xiaoyu; posted at 1:08 PM ★


The mioTV thingy was not bad. Got free movie screening (though rather outdated like Iceage, 12 莲, 投名 while those latest ones like same day Dvd release movies need to pay $5 ++). There's also free drama series, like my favourite 火蝴蝶. At first damn sad cos it is in Guangdong dialect. But later watch a few episode then realise that I am actually picking up a little bit of the dialect and start to enjoy the show more in this dialect rather than the translated Chinese.

Plus plus, the new mio modern look totally like the Wii box. White and very nice. How I wish is the real Wii though. Haha.

Anyway. I booked 3D2N trip to Batam to celebrate my 21st b'day. Though end up gng only with Lp but I'm more than happy already. Cos everybody else cannot make it due to exams, work, no $$ bla bla bla. And wad's impt is that I really need to go on a trip to relax myself. Being too stressful recently. The package includes stay at Panorama Regency Hotel and buffet breakfast and dinner and full-body spa and a day tour!!! It cost $200 excluding taxes. It's my first time doing spa....woohoo...can't wait. Plus it really feels damn worth it right. So many things included.
Heard from the person that all Bintan trips in April are all fully booked in January but hor strangely, Batam ones are still available until now lei. Haha.

Lp is always so on at everything. love her for this man!

Anyway, heard from friends that it's dangerous at night at Batam, so we'll probably stay inside hotel at night and watch Tv.

Lastly lastly, this is a good news to people out there who got really slanted shoulders like I used to have. I always had this super slanted shoulders since young which looked very weird whatever clothes I wear. But hor, since I started do shoulders and arm exercise since last year hor, my shoulders became so much more horizontal lei. I realised this a few days ago. I showed my whole family and they agree also. I didn't do this exercise with such an intention in the first place so I'm like super surprise and happy now la.

Last last thing. This goes out to the friends out there who know that I've been gng through a rough patch recently and was encouraging me constantly even though I know I quite stubborn. Thanks a ton and really really love u people:)

★ xiaoyu; posted at 12:18 PM ★

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jogging again.

Went to jog with yx from opposite Canberra Pri Sch all the way to Sembawang Shopping Center.
Jogged 17 mins. So should be around 2.5 -3km.
Felt so shiok after the jog.
Somehow as my body gets tire, my mind seems to clears up.
Felt as if my brain transmitters works better after some cardio exercise.

Realise it's kinda fun to jog with someone rather than myself.
At least got someone to pace me and to talk to and laugh with. Haha.

After reaching home and having my shower, I suddenly felt very zen.
The zen-ness makes me reflective.
I started to ask myself why am I so screwed up recently.
Also asked myself if I had really reached my saturation point for studying.

Den I realise I sldn't be asking myself such a silly question when there's like 6 more weeks to go before exams ends.
I should give it a try first before deciding to give up.
It's like I sldn't choose to give up when there's still a choice.
I sld be giving up only when there's no more choice.

So I decided to hang on first...

Even though my grades are more or less determined le...
but what if there's still hope for a better outcome?
I decided to give it the benefit of doubt first.

Now is like raining and thundering outside.
So not gng exercise today le.

Anyway, I'm now waiting for the SingTel person to come and install my extended faster internet and free mioTv channel services.
It's the Picture Box channel which the sale person told me I can watch at least 2 new free movies each week. Wao.
Hope the channel will turn out to be up to my expectations.
Fingers crossed.


★ xiaoyu; posted at 1:08 PM ★

Thursday, March 19, 2009

C+ Wadever.

So sad.
History essay got C+.
The comment from the lecturer is like: Ok, your points are ok but the arguments are hard to follow.
Whatever la.

So just now was contemplating how to vent my frustration.
Choice 1: Binge
Choice 2: Serious work out.

End up with Choice 2.
I climbed 32 stories of my block.
Den went jogging for 2 km.
Den work out at the cheapo gym below my house.

My muscle didn't ache from ytd workout, so probably my muscle won't ache tml too.
So there's no excuse to skip tml lessons.

Wish: To withdraw this sem and the next and go out working.
Reality check: Economy bad until even 15000 uni grad this year can't find job. So even less hope for me.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 11:26 PM ★

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Went jogging 2km+...den work out at the cheapo gym under HDB flat...den climb up 15 stories of my block...literary breathless half way...

All this inspired by xx...who worked out super 凶 during lion dance and managed to visibly slim down even while eating so many suppers.

Way to go, U r my idol!

Plus exercising really clears my mind and remove some of my tiredness lei.

Will work harder!

★ xiaoyu; posted at 11:31 PM ★

Monday, March 16, 2009

How to Open a Beer with a Pen - CHOW

Does this really work? Haven tried yet.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 3:13 PM ★

Love Hate relationship with durians...

Just sth from experience.

When u r acne prone, do not eat durians.
Especially not a whole Styrofoam box of it.
It really causes terrible repercussions.
Like a terrible acne outbreak that u have to hide at home for days.
To be save, if u r a durian fanatic, don't even smell durians.
Just in case u can't control yourself after smelling a few durians whiffs.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 2:58 PM ★

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fri 13...

Ytd is friday the 13th wor.
Realise it while listening to 933 fm on the long long journey to school (1 hr plus plus plus)
Tnk god I'm not the superstitious type and all turns out well ytd too.

Got this short class presentation on essay ytd.
I 'm actually not nervous nor panicky.
I'm just on higher alert than usual.
Super major improvement on my part.
Since I usually got this weird unknown jitters b4 presentation.
Ok, so I admit I got some knida of stage fright b4.
Which quite screwed up many many presenations b4 for mi.
Which takes me days to recuperate and telling myself tt's it's all right.

My stage fight seems to just 'proof' gone suddenly a few weeks ago while doing another short group presentation.
I dunnoe where this weird sense of confidence comes from?
I kinda just tell myself, 'It's just a simple presentation and what's the fuss abt." if I rmb correctly.
Does this simple sentence does the trick?
Seems too good to be true right?
But wad else?

Then ytd somemore when I attend the Dharmma Circle talk,
we are like surprised with role-playing!
I have to role play an interviewer, interviewing 2 separate person for the job of lawyer.
Ok, I'm kinda damn tire by then, and my words came out slow.
But u can't really blame me when we are like given oni 5 mins to prepare and ended up no time to prepare script and hv to think on the spot.
Eventually, I actually pulled through.
Even thought the class is small. 15 students.
Furthermore, I got some laughters for the things I said.
I dun quite see the joke even till now though. Haha.
But I never done this b4 in my life until now.
Kinda fun and not scary; for once in my life.

Then thinking of rewarding myself for all the day's work.
With a big Jap biscuit!
Wao. Damn delicious.
But ended up over-rewarding myself with many other 'rewards'. Oops.
Gotta control more now.
My baddest habit is -- happy = eat , sad=eat , angry =eat.
Terrible right.

Anyway, tt's all and hope the trip to the court will be a fun one tml.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 4:26 PM ★

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bad things follow one another...

Wao. Today just retrieved my 'lost white purse'( that's how the librarians describe it on the e-mail they sent me). I went to the desk and ask 'Do u hv a lost white purse with u?'. Then they ask me to walk straight and turn left and check if it's there. I went. Wao. A whole gallery of 'lost and found' items. It's literally gallery man. All the items are labeled and lined neatly behind a glass panel. There are at least 5 ez-link cards there unretrieved! Don't they need to travel? It's like 15 bucks to replace a new one lei.

But seriously, when bad things happen, one follows another. Yea right. Definitely.

I today go and check my 'international economics' paper. N I flung it bad! N worst still, it is the best attempt in my opinion among my 3 mid-terms already. The two more I think not much hope also le.

Haiz, no choice le. I gonna degenerate into a hermit again le. At least for the next 6 weeks I'll be no more and no less than a hermit, hiding at home. Maybe I'll study. But not much mood also. But should at least put in more effort ba.

So sick of study now lei. Had I reach my saturation point after schooling for like 14years from primary school?

Jy Jy Jy to myself. Hope this sem end fast fast.

Lastly, when will my suayness end?

★ xiaoyu; posted at 8:28 PM ★

Monday, March 9, 2009

Suay suay day...

So suay. Lost my wallet again. Its like the 2nd time during six months. What happened sia. Why I so careless. Must be today wake up den groggy head le. Being late for 1 hour for 8 am lecturer. Den skipped the two tutorial class in the afternoon. Felt so headache. The morning lecturer I admitted is very funny. Made lots of weird expressions and actions and tell funny stories. Though is like a history class. But I totally expressionless. I think he saw it. I'm like totally din even give him face and a least smile when the rest of the class laughed so loud. I must be punished thereafter. Den I went school print things. When I release the printing jobs. Dunnoe y so suay again stand behind a girl who like printed 100+ pages! I waited there for her jobs to be released while she walked away to the printers. Den the people behind the queue all stared at me like it's my fault for printing so many things. I'm just waitinf for her jobssss to be released before I can release mine.I only got 2 pages for godsake! Some more today dunnoe y got the 'approach me' karma. Got like 3 people approached me. One asked to lend computer to print, den 2 asked for directions. I didn't even look in their direction in the first place. Furthermore, I like listening to my mp3. Den very stupid la. I keep saying 'huh huh' den they speak louder and louder. I actually lazy to pull off my head piece so I 'huhhed' quite a few times,hopping they finally decide to leave me alone. Den returned back to sembawang. Went Ntuc shopped like half an hour. Gotten myself in the queue and den realised my wallet is gone. Never mind the wasted shopping time. But I can't even buy mu lunch now. My stomach rumbling le la. Den I went CoffeeBean and sit down, hoping to really search through my bag for my wallet. Decided that once I found it, I decided to buy a piece of cake and enjoy. Den realised that my wallet is damn it gone. Den wanted to go home at least. Den rained like dunnoe wad lor! Everybody standing at entrace waiting for the rain to subside. Like the rain will really subside lor. No money now lor! Can't even sit doen at coffeebean or Mac or Kfc and eat sth first. Den ended up at library to hide. Damn cold lor. Finally I stayed until hand and feet like almost numb le. Decided to leave and go home le. At least got umbrella with mi. Den reached home. But drenched. By now like super headache le. But still bath first to wash away bad luck. Den sleep all the way until now. Ate a panadol now. Listening to 933 now too. Wanna relax a while and hoping the panadol sooth my head soon. This been such a suay suay day. I'm just pouring my sorrows here. Can't atand bottling up le. I kinda don't expect people to read also so I din even bothered to paragraph.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 8:39 PM ★

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fingers breakdance 4!

★ xiaoyu; posted at 5:00 PM ★

How to Talk to Women...Never Ignore a Nerd

This two video are damn funny.

How to Talk to Women

Never Ignore a Nerd

★ xiaoyu; posted at 4:46 PM ★

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Motivational song:)

A great old motivational song...enjoy

★ xiaoyu; posted at 12:54 AM ★

Thursday, March 5, 2009

JULIAN SMITH - 25 Things I Hate About Facebook

Must watch if u are a facebook user like me. This video about facebook is so funny. Found it a bit exaggerating but there's definitely some truth in it...have a laugh at it.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 8:18 PM ★

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ugly Girl TRANSFORMED into a Hot Girl!

★ xiaoyu; posted at 9:39 PM ★

First McDonalds Commercial (Creeepy!) vs. Japanese McDonald's Ad today (Sexy!)

★ xiaoyu; posted at 9:01 PM ★

Ntu student stabbed lecturer and comitted suicide. Shocking!

Channel NewsAsia - Monday, March 2

"SINGAPORE: A lecturer with Nanyang Technological University has been injured after being stabbed by a student.

After stabbing, the male student, who was in his 20s, slit his wrists and jumped.

His body was found at the bottom of a building at the engineering block, which was about five—storey high.

He died from his injuries.

Police say they received a call about the incident at 10.25 Monday morning"

Courtesy of Channel NewsAsia Yahoo News
Gosh, seriously, what had the professor done?
Isit cos he refused to pass him?
Or isit the student too stressed le?
Must be stress ba.
When stressed, he should really just skip a few classes and relax at home a bit.
Just like me today.
He really shouldn't be so silly.
May god bless him.
Actually, there's also a guy who committed suicide on campus last year at Nus.
Also an overseas student under engineering faculty.
Engineering must be stressful.
Or in general, studying is stressful.
There must be some kind of deep enmity between the lecturer and the student for him to stabbed his lecturer.
The most I ever dreamt of doing is to throw my stationary at them in order to wake them up during lectures when they seems to be talking to themselves.
I think that this thought is already too evil until I dare not tell anyone.
Never did I know that someone can go as far as stabbing.

★ xiaoyu; posted at 7:06 PM ★

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chemical Properties of Woman & Man.

Element Name: WOMAN

Symbol: WO

Atomic Weight: (don't even go there!)

Physical Properties: Generally round in form. Boils at nothing and may freeze any time. Melts whenever treated properly. Very bitter if not used well.

Chemical properties: Very active. Highly unstable. Possesses strong affinity to gold,silver, platinum, and precious stones. Violent when left alone. Able to absorb great amounts of exotic food. Turns slightly green when placed next to a better specimen.

Usage: Highly ornamental. An extremely good catalyst for dispersion of wealth. Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known.Caution: Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.

Element Name: MAN

Symbol: XY

Atomic Weight: (180 +/-50)

Physical properties: Solid at room temperature,but gets bent out of shape easily. Fairly dense and sometimes flaky. Difficult to find a pure sample. Due to rust, aging samples are unable to conduct electricity as easily as young samples.

Chemical properties: Attempts to bond with WO any chance it can get. Also tends to form strong bonds with itself. Becomes explosive when mixed with Kd (Element:Child) for prolonged period of time. Neutralize by saturating with alcohol.

Usage: None known.Possibly good methane source. Good samples are able to produce large quantities on command.

* Caution: In the absence of WO, this element rapidly decomposes and begins to smell

★ xiaoyu; posted at 5:17 PM ★

Reasons y exams should be abolished.

Are exams the best indicators for a well-rounded education?

Schools use examinations as a key determinant of how well a student has learnt in schools.

In order to regurgitate all that we had memorised, we had to 'mug' crazily days before exams and cram all information into our brains.

This 'stored' information are immediately vanished into thin air after exams. Is there other ways to prove that we have the brains to get promoted to the nest level?

How about non-examinable' subjects/modules?

In such subjects, grades are given for consistent work throughout the entire semester, and students generally have to apply their newly acquired knowledge in more ways than simply putting words down on paper during exams.

Spreading the grades assessment throughout the semester ensures that we are truly learning, and not simply memorizing formulas and facts.

There's already such hope!

Moe are already planning to scrape examinations for Primary 1 and 2 students. We are finally less focused on exams as if it's everything to a person's worth.

But this change need to be spread to higher levels as well!

I've seem too many cases of student committing suicide due to exams stress, including my current school and my sister's ex-school. Something had to be done u know!

This really calls for more active requests from students and parents to schools for a start. And what other things to be done remains to be seen.

We are on a constant rush to be the best that we had lost track of our true selves. We sometimes may felt so sad and start asking ourselves, "What do I really want in life that can makes me feel happy/happier?" Do we want to be asking ourselves this question even as our life is ending soon?

What do u guys think?

★ xiaoyu; posted at 4:27 PM ★